Written Well

Should I Write Genetic Engineering?

Genetic engineering can be a tough genre for someone with no scientific training/knowledge. Hand-waving this stuff is going to be scoffed at by many readers. Better to do the research and get the current science right before extrapolating into what it might do. That doesn't mean that amateurs are excluded from writing these books. But you need at least a high tolerance for research to succeed.

You should consider writing genetic engineering if…

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Should I Write Galactic Empire/Space Opera?

Books in these genres aren't always completely settings-based (long descriptions, worldbuilding in the foreground), but just due to scale, they will always need complex and extravagant worldbuilding. Space opera rewards compelling characters and convoluted plots, while galactic empire can be more military and single hero.

You should consider writing galactic empire/space opera if…

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Fantasy Trends and Opportunities, February ’24

Across all fantasy genres, and most of the other genres I've looked into, YA is growing, sometimes very rapidly. I think YA has finally taken hold in the indie ebook market, and I see great opportunity for growth. I think it might have taken a long time because despite YA having the biggest percentage of ebook readers in it compared to other genres...

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Sexuality in Science Fiction

I’m going to approach this topic from two directions, so bear with me. The US and a bunch of other places have inherited British legal systems that dates back a Very Long Time™. A lot of places inherited Christianity as a “State Religion.” Both have a strong emphasis on heterosexual marriage (One Man, One Woman) as the basis for a lot of other things, including most of your rights as a person. In the old days, people had more freedom to be non-cissexual. Scientific research these days suggests that roughly ten percent of the population is definitively homosexual (a 6...

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Should I Write Military Science Fiction?

Military science fiction is for the action-oriented writer, someone for whom combat scenes flow naturally onto the page. Experience in the military, martial arts, marksmanship is a plus, but not necessary, for this military genre is more forgiving than most.

You should consider military science fiction if…

You love reading it

You're adept at writing action scenes (if you're not, try reading Adam's Writing Action article)

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Testing Continues

Testing continues on apace. Glad to report that no bugs have been found; site is functioning great. Some typos and broken links have been discovered and fixed. Added chat for extra communication during testing. Got a great email from one tester who is loving the site. That was really great to hear, as we’ve put a lot of work into this site and we’re thrilled they are finding it useful. I wrote a 2k word article on breaking down bestselling book covers to find the commonalities and discover what elements are subtly signaling genre to potential buyers. This is an …

Breaking Down a Book Cover

If you've read any of the genre guides, you've seen my cover breakdowns. I take six covers off the bestseller list and break down their commonalities in elements, fonts, and overall structure. But I don't do it randomly. There's a system, and I'm going to outline it below so you can do it yourself in whatever subgenre you're writing in...

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Military Science Fiction Guide

There are a LOT of military stories told in SF.  I’m guilty of writing them. As with romance and mystery, you can tell any sort of story in an SF military context, from exploration to alien invasion to humorous. Military, then is a journey, not a destination, if I may.

Writers should pay attention to details when building their space military or (especially) basing it on something.

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