<span class="vcard">Blaze Ward</span>
Blaze Ward

Going Wide

There are two schools of thought in the Indie Publishing world that you need to be aware of. I can’t tell you which will be right for your career, but you should understand both so you can make informed choices. *** YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN CAREER*** Option One is what we call narrow. Amazon has Kindle Unlimited (KU), which is a subscription service they offer. Readers pay a monthly fee ($12/m as I write this) and get to read as many books as they can digest. Think library where you finish one, download the next, and keep going...

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Narrowcasting and Newsletters

Originally, I intended to write about Newsletters as a thing, but realized as I sat down that I needed to back up a step and talk about what I think is the future of indie publishing. That turned into a whole series of thoughts on vocabulary—and you need a good solid grasp on words to understand how to work in this field—and I realized that I needed to start here. Broadcasting In the old days, everybody knew the term broadcasting. You transmitted a powerful radio signal that could be picked up at a significant distance by anybody with the right...

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Science Fiction Mystery

The mystery category starts with a crime, then resolves it by the end. Simple formula, with nearly infinite variations possible. Science fiction takes that premise and runs with it. Science fiction is a setting genre. As such, you simply start out with “Not Here, Not Now” (presumably a technological future and a surfeit of magic, or you would be in a fantasy category) and tell your story. Where you set your story (the world-building elements) can be pretty much anywhere. If you have magic, presumably you are in some sort of fantasy category, as noted above, but it might be...

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Thrillers and Mysteries

Thriller gets its own top-level category these days, so you can dive in over there and go deep, but I want to take a moment to talk about it in the crime and mystery context. Until recently, thriller was a sub-genre of the larger crime category. What changed? Indie Publishing. So many Indie started writing thrillers that it got moved out to become its own BISAC top level. What is thriller, then? Energy. Pure and simple. Start generally somewhere in the middle, and then amp up everything, running like hell. Usually with a ticking clock or a burning building. Kidnapping....

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Anthologies: How to Create, Edit, and Publish an Anthology

What is an Anthology? Classically, there are two specific definitions you need to know about short fiction. A Collection is a group of stories, all by the same author. An Anthology, conversely, is a group of stories by a variety of different authors. We’re here to talk about the latter. Generally, an anthology has a central theme, around which all the authors involved have written. It might be sword and sorcery fantasy. Or hard-boiled private detectives. Or military science fiction. (I’ve owned and read all of those at one time or another.) Alternatively, it might be part of a “Year’s...

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The Indie Mindset

Let’s talk mindset. Many of you have come out of the Traditional Publishing (TradPub for short) world, either directly, or having been raised and trained to think that way. You see a specific career arc that you need to follow, in order to achieve success. Does this sound familiar? Start in short fiction, honing your craft at 5000-word stories until you think you have the ability to write a pretty good story for one of the periodicals in your genre. Then you start submitting them and to various open anthology calls until you start to achieve some level of success....

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Sexuality in Science Fiction

I’m going to approach this topic from two directions, so bear with me. The US and a bunch of other places have inherited British legal systems that dates back a Very Long Time™. A lot of places inherited Christianity as a “State Religion.” Both have a strong emphasis on heterosexual marriage (One Man, One Woman) as the basis for a lot of other things, including most of your rights as a person. In the old days, people had more freedom to be non-cissexual. Scientific research these days suggests that roughly ten percent of the population is definitively homosexual (a 6...

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