Should I Write Legal Thriller?

If you like courtroom drama and know enough about to make the legal maneuverings realistic, legal thriller is a good way to make money off that knowledge. The category is down right now, but I expect it to bounce back. If there were less than a dozen Law & Order shows on every time I turned on the TV, perhaps I would be more concerned.

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Police Procedural Guide

Cops, being cops. And you have to get those little details right if you are going to write in this field.

However—and this is where the fun begins—the cops understand that these days. Most police departments of any size will frequently hold “Mystery Writer Events,” often as part of Mystery Writers of America (MWA), so you should look at locating and joining your nearest chapter.

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Medical Thriller Guide

Medical thrillers are based around hospitals, doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics — any and all medical professionals. These thrillers can be quite a bit quieter than other thrillers, tending more toward mystery or suspense pacing at times as the doctors try to figure out the pathogen that will destroy the world or the murderer who is stalking their patients, but

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Should I Write Literary Fiction?

Do you tire of the silly tricks and the same old plots in genre fiction? Does it all just feel like a cheesy action movie to you when you would rather be watching an art film? Then literary fiction might work for you. If you read a lot of literary fiction, then you already know that it is all different, and there aren't a lot of standard tropes and cliches. If you haven't read much literary fiction, but...

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