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Below are some articles you may have missed since your last visit. If this is your first visit, be sure to go to How to Use This Site to get started.


  • Book CoverWriting to Market — Keyword Interest and Bestseller Lists
    In Writing to Market — Where to Begin, I talked about how I use Publisher Rocket’s category search function to identify potential categories to write in. We’re going to leave …
  • Book CoverWriting to Market — Tropes, Tropes, Tropes
    The theory of writing to market is that most people don’t want to read something completely new. They want to read something like the last book they enjoyed. A new …
  • Book CoverWriting to Market — Where to Begin
    There’s a lot of confusion about what writing to market actually is. Let’s clear that up. Writing to market is actually a simple two-step process: you identify a good market, …
  • Book CoverGoing Wide
    There are two schools of thought in the Indie Publishing world that you need to be aware of. I can’t tell you which will be right for your career, but …
  • Book CoverWhy All the Genres?
    I have run into a form of this question several times now since we have opened the site. People understand, of course, why we do all the genres, but they …
  • Narrowcasting and Newsletters
    Originally, I intended to write about Newsletters as a thing, but realized as I sat down that I needed to back up a step and talk about what I think …