Testing continues on apace. Glad to report that no bugs have been found; site is functioning great. Some typos and broken links have been discovered and fixed. Added chat for extra communication during testing. Got a great email from one tester who is loving the site. That was really great to hear, as we’ve put a lot of work into this site and we’re thrilled they are finding it useful.
I wrote a 2k word article on breaking down bestselling book covers to find the commonalities and discover what elements are subtly signaling genre to potential buyers. This is an important piece of market research and cover design; you want your cover to both fit in and stand out, a dichotomy of art and design that is difficult yet essential to achieve. As always, I love breaking down my own processes to teach them to others. It forces my thoughts into an organized state that is good for me, but that I rarely enter naturally. Also, I’m just a process nerd, and I enjoy examining processes — especially creative processes — whether mine or others.