Crafting a Magic System

If you ask a thousand fantasy authors what makes a good magic system, you’ll get a thousand different answers. I am not going to give you answer one thousand and one. I’m not going to do that simply because the details of your magic system don’t matter. It doesn’t even matter if your system has details. Or if there’s a system at all. Some authors—and their characters—treat magic like a science. If magic is common enough, it seems human nature that it would be studied, codified, even standardized to some extent. Spells are like recipes or language, things to be...

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Should I Write Dark Fantasy?

Dark fantasy is for those writers with a darker sensibility than other fantasy writers. Where other fantasists imagine the woods filled with fey creatures, we see them filled with monsters. Their castles are of white stone with banners flying; ours are tumbled down and haunted. There may be a happy ending (doubtful), but if there is, you can be damn sure the characters paid a price to reach it.

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Genres for the Independent Author

Genres are a fascinating part of the writing profession. They mean nothing and everything; they are both limiting and freeing; they are arbiters and arbitrary in near equal measures. I began my career as a traditional author. As such, genres were the purview of publishers and booksellers. I wrote the book and then they told me what genre it was in. That didn’t mean I didn’t know what genre my books were in; it just meant I didn’t care if they decided it was something different. It was their job to sell those books, and if they thought it would...

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Dark Fantasy Guide

Dark fantasy covers a lot of ground. From fantasy intended mostly to frighten to fantasy with nihilistic or depressing themes, it is the subgenre where bad things happen to good people and the light is never guaranteed to drive off the dark by the end of the tale.

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Signaling Your Genre from the Start

If you’re an independent author, you’ve probably done a lot of work on your title, blurb, and cover. Don’t screw it all up with the first line of your book. When a person picks up your book, or uses the look inside feature on Amazon or other sites, they’re going to read the first few lines of your book. It’s likely the final thing they’ll look at before buying your book. So, not only does it have to be a good intro into your book, it also has to not screw up the sale. But how do you do that?...

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Intrusion Fantasy Blueprint

Intrusion fantasies come in two different types, depending on the protagonist:

The Fish Out of Water —The protagonist begins with no knowledge of the fantasy element that is going to be introduced

The Skilled Practitioner —The protagonist is already fully immersed in the new (to the reader) culture the fantasy element has engendered.

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