Genre Guide — Science Fiction
Genre Guide — Science Fiction

Should I Write Colonization/Exploration/First Contact?

You should consider writing in one of these genres if…

You love reading them.

You watched (and loved) The Expanse, For All Mankind, and Alien

You find yourself constantly looking at the stars and wondering "What if...?"

You should probably try a different genre if…

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Should I Write Dystopian?

Dystopian fiction is not for the faint of heart. Not necessarily horror, it still has a darkness that creeps into your soul — then burrows in. Even if the hero triumphs — not a guarantee in this genre — the knowledge of how close we will always be to this kind of future remains. If you can handle that darkness, or if you already swim in it, then dystopian novels might be a natural fit for you.

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Should I Write Time Travel?

The mind-bending twists and turns it takes to conceive and execute a good time travel tale with all the potential paradoxes and contradictions are not for everybody. But if you can envision (or carefully map out on sticky notes or a red-yarned murder board) the connections of your characters and consequences across multiple timelines, then have it.

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Should I Write Cyberpunk?

Back to cyberpunk Born of the cold war and the onset of the digital age, cyberpunk is the SF genre of disaffected youth. Technology is feared and desired in equal measure. Would you be the first one to put a shunt into your neck to get direct access to the net? Would you modify your body and mind, melding tech to flesh and mind to machine? You should consider writing cyberpunk if… You should probably try a different genre if… The formula for success with a cyberpunk book is pretty straightforward. The hard part of all this is writing a...

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