<span class="vcard">Written Well</span>
Written Well

DS Amazon Quick View — A Vital (and free!) Chrome Extension

Tired of opening new tabs to see if a book is trad or self published? Fear not, DS Amazon Quick View is here to save you clicks, frustration, and time. Top 100 Amazon Bestsellers When doing market research, you’ll be spending a lot of time poring over the top selling books in the genres you’re investigating. And you want to spend most of your time looking at the independent books in that genre, as those are your competition, as well as your guide to what the readers want. But how to tell which of them are traditionally published and which...

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Should I Write Mystery?

Mystery is for those people who like puzzles. Also, for those who maybe think about murder just a little too much. Perhaps a healthy outlet for your murderous obsession, hmm?

In all seriousness, though it's one of the smaller indie genres it's not going anywhere. And its tendency toward series characters and readership makes it very attractive to the indie author.

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Should I Write Colonization/Exploration/First Contact?

You should consider writing in one of these genres if…

You love reading them.

You watched (and loved) The Expanse, For All Mankind, and Alien

You find yourself constantly looking at the stars and wondering "What if...?"

You should probably try a different genre if…

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Horror Story Builder

For this exercise, you should have a document open where you can write. Now copy the text in the box and paste it into that document. This will be the blueprint  for your story. You'll fill it in as you go through the exercise and end up with a basic outline for your horror novel. You may also want to post your story outline in the forums to get some ideas from other forum members. 

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Horror Blueprint

Please note that there are a number of horror novels that don't follow this blueprint exactly, and almost none of them follow it perfectly. If your book will still be terrifying and interest readers without one of these pieces, or with some of them done differently or in a different order, feel free to do your own thing. This blueprint is just so that you can understand the basic format that your readers will expect from the genre. 

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Should I Write Dystopian?

Dystopian fiction is not for the faint of heart. Not necessarily horror, it still has a darkness that creeps into your soul — then burrows in. Even if the hero triumphs — not a guarantee in this genre — the knowledge of how close we will always be to this kind of future remains. If you can handle that darkness, or if you already swim in it, then dystopian novels might be a natural fit for you.

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