Our Forums Are a Curated Conversation About Everything Self-Publishing
Our Forums Are a Curated Conversation About Everything Self-Publishing

Our Forums Are a Curated Conversation About Everything Self-Publishing

Forums for the Serious Independent Author

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. We provide a moderated area for discussion, critique, and the occasional cry for help. While there exist other places for these kind of things online, we believe ours to be the best because everyone is here for the same reason: a love of writing and a wish to be successful at it.

A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years mere study of books.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

The Written Well forums are the lifeblood of the site. When we post a new article or video, it gets a topic for discussion on it. There are topics for different genre discussions, promotion ideas, marketing plans, and a spot to promo your own releases or Kickstarters to other members. If it sounds like a lot, it is, but everything is clearly marked and explained, and moderators are there to help you if you get lost.

Along with reading widely, discussion is vital for authors. Without other writers to talk you, they turn insular, become rigid in their style, their voice, their choices of character and theme. Written Well authors remain flexible, an excellent trait for both creativity in your work and the ability to insure that work is sellable. Because we want you to both here: create beautiful books and make money doing it. And to do that, you need to be a creative, flexible author, one who knows how to write and how to sell.

Don’t know how to do that? Ask someone on our forums. They will help you out.

Image shows a young woman's hands on a laptop keyboard.